Center Instructions

Center Instructions

Center Instructions:

Instructions No. 1  for the year 2011

Help the Princess Basma Center for Women's Studies in Jordan

Issued pursuant to Article 3(a) of the system of scientific centers at the University of Yarmouk No. 92) for the year 2003

Article 1:

These instructions are called Instruction No. 1 for the year 2011: Princess Basma Help Center for the Study of Jordanian Women,

And it works from the date of March 1, 2011.


Article 2:

The following words, wherever used in these instructions below, have assigned meanings, unless the context indicates


  • University: Yarmouk University
  • President:     Rector
  • Council:       Position Council
  • Center: Princess Basma Center for the Study of Jordanian Women
  • Director: Director of the Center


Article 3:

  1. The Center shall have named the Honorary President of the President.

(B) The center is linked administratively to the president or his deputy.


Article 4:

The center aims to:

(A) Contributions to the formulation of national initiatives lead to more women's participation in economic, social, political, and academic life.

(B) changing the prevailing stereotypes about women.

(C) In the opinion of a more positive attitude towards the women's issues industry.

(D) To contribute to the formulation of a national speech that is more positive towards women's issues,

(E) Enhance the intellectual contributions of women in the resolution of national, regional, and international issues.

(F) The formulation of a national strategy for the advancement of women.

(G) Assist the Jordanian legislator in the drafting of laws and regulations to keep pace with the developments that have taken place at the level of the status of women and their contribution to public affairs.

(H) Assist decision-makers in developing plans and strategies for women.

(I) the exchange of advice and expertise with universities and research centers based on the Women's Studies subject of interest.

(J) the achievement of scientific prestige for Jordanian women at the local and international levels.


Article 5:

The Center has the has the following tasks:

(A) conduct studies and research related to Jordanian women's issues and rights.

(B) writing books and issuing magazines and newsletters specializing in women's affairs.

(C) to organize training and awareness programs, workshops, seminars, and conferences dedicated to enhancing the capacities of women and activation Participation in all walks of life and the development of local community organizations that deal with their affairs.

(D) to monitor and work towards improving the reality of Jordanian women in the community.

(E) Formulating national initiatives to promote the role of women in various walks of life

(F) to communicate with organizations and bodies concerned with women's issues locally and globally.

(G) contribute to academic and training programs in order to address societal imbalances against women.

(H) working with the relevant authorities to include women's issues within the priorities of development plans and policies at the national level.

(I) to provide a suitable environment for women in small and medium-sized enterprises and training through workshops, seminars, training courses, and specialized R&D centers.

(J) develop action programs that contribute to promoting and encouraging the spirit of belonging, citizenship, and entrepreneurship development among women.

(K) Work to establish a network connection between women entrepreneurs in all areas of creativity and entrepreneurship, both practical and scientific.

(L) get financial support from national and international donors in accordance with the relevant legislation relationship.


Article 6:

The Center shall have the Council, headed by the President, and a membership of twelve members appointed by the President after

We are seeking the Council of Deans' approval to appoint the following for a two-year term, renewable once:

  • Director Antrz is a member and secretary of the mystery.
  • Dean of the Faculty of Arts.
  • Brigad Scientific Research and Graduate Studies.
  • Five of the faculty members at the university have jurisdiction.
  • Four members of the local community have distinctive experiences.

* The representation of the female element is taken into account when appointing members of the Council.


Article 7:

The Board shall have the following powers:

A discussion of strategy and action plan status and approval.

(B) to discuss the draft budget and placement.

(C) to discuss the needs of the Center for Human Resources and approval.

(D) to discuss project proposals with donors and their approval.

(E) determining financial allocations and financial support for research and studies based on the recommendation of the director.

(F) any other relevant objectives offered by the center speaker.


Article 8:

The center's annual budget comprises the financial resources.

(A) Amounts allocated by the Council of the League of the Center in the annual budget of the university.

(B) grants, donations, bequests, endowments, rents, subsidies, and grants received by the Center and accepted in accordance with the legislation in force.

(C) ratio owed (20%) of financial support for projects derived from donors.

A help window is applied to the Queen Rania Center for Jordanian Studies regarding proceeds courses.

The services provided by the center.


Article 9:

(A) president in his absence to cost a Board member the functions of the President of the Council and its powers.

(B) of the center director appointed by the president of experienced faculty members at the university.

(C) The president, upon recommendation of the director, shall appoint a deputy to help him in his work and exercise the powers entrusted to him by the director in his absence or illness, and the director, while he was working, shall delegate any of the powers conferred upon it in accordance with these instructions.



Article 10:

The director has the following functions and powers:

(A) shall supervise the implementation of the decisions of the Council.

(B) the implementation of programs of research and teaching, lectures and training courses, training, workshops, and services approved by the Board.

(C) the administrative and financial center, operating within the confines of the applicable legislation in the university affairs administration.

(D) the preparation of the annual budget of the center of the project and submitting it to the Council.

(E) the preparation of the annual work plan of the center and its presentation to the Council.

(F) to provide a periodic report every six months to the Council on the work of the center and its activities and achievements, and any proposals that support the achievement of the objectives of the center.

(G) carry out any tasks or responsibilities assigned to him by the Council or the President.


Article 11:

Called administrative vacancies required by the Director of the Center's work and apply to the workers at the center the university regulations and instructions.


Article 12:

The President, Director Msalan, is responsible for implementing these instructions.




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