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Memorandum of understanding between “Yarmouk” and the “Jordanian Women’s Union”




The President of Yarmouk University, Professor Islam Massad, and the President of the Jordanian Women's Union Association, Amna Al-Zoubi, signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim of consolidating and framing cooperation between the two sides in the field of exchanging experiences, academic studies, and training and awareness programs concerned with women.

Massad stressed that the signing of the memorandum of understanding comes within the context of Yarmouk University’s vision and its societal responsibility in consolidating cooperation with various national institutions and bodies concerned with women, society, and youth. He then indicated that the memo represents a new framework for exchanging experiences, studies, training and awareness programs with the Jordanian Women’s Union Association. He then added that the establishment of Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies at Yarmouk University came with the aim of involving women of the local community in the public and private sectors with women in the academic sector, which enhances and reflects the achievements of Jordanian women and their effective contribution to serving their community and country.

In return, Al-Zoubi stressed the importance of cooperation with a leading academic institution like Yarmouk University, which has been keen since its early beginnings to carry out societal responsibility, noting the Union’s aspiration to implement a number of joint programs and activities related to Jordanian women and their progress in cooperation with Yarmouk. She appreciated the efforts of Yarmouk University and its support of Jordanian women's issues as well as the University’s openness and constant keenness to communicate with civil society institutions and exchange experiences with them in a way that serves the Jordanian society.

The memo signing was attended by the University’s Vice Presidents, Professor Mousa Rababah and Professor Samer Samarah, the Director of Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women’s Studies, Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaisen, and the Director of Public Relations and Media, Dr. Nawzat Abu Al-Asal.















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