
An awareness workshop in Yarmouk about the university’s regulations and instructions






Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaisen, Director of the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies, kicked off the two-day educational awareness-raising workshop on "Yarmouk University's Regulations and Instructions," which targeted female administrators employed at the university. Dr. Safaa Al-Suwailemeen from the university's School of Law oversaw the workshop.

Al-Muhaisen emphasized Yarmouk University's eagerness to build community awareness of the various issues of concern to women through the combined efforts of its human resources, as well as its eagerness to enhance the capabilities of female administrative employees from the university's various colleges, departments, and scientific centers, enabling them to assume leadership roles and prove their competence in them, stressing the center's constant endeavor to empower women in various.

Al-Muhaisen stated that the workshop's goal was to empower female university administrators and prepare them to reflect on the information and experience they gain at the administrative and functional levels based on their legal awareness.

In addition, 25 administrative female university workers attended the session.












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