
A dialogue session entitled The role of the women’s quota in the Yarmouk Student Union elections





Students Ahmed Al-Ghazawi and Lana Nayfeh from the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies co-hosted an educational conversation session with the (Yarmouk conversation) project. In the Student Union elections, Ahmed Al-Ghazawi and Lana Nayfeh showcased the recently implemented women's quota, and they also discussed and analyzed the seats assigned to it.
We examined the women's quota and its phases of growth chronologically, with the first introduction occurring in 2001. We discussed the role and significance of women's quotas in developing women's leaders, as well as the relevance of women's representation and participation in decision-making. We emphasized the necessity of student engagement and participation in the political process, the relevance of voting, and the importance of voting based on efficiency. The session included student engagement and a discussion of the session's subjects. 













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