
The Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies holds its second session under the "Hate Speech and Interfaith Dialogue" project






Under the second topic, "Understanding and Tolerance," the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies, in association with the Masarat Foundation for Development, conducted its second session under the "Hate Speech and Interfaith Dialogue" initiative. Prof. Dr. Khalid Muhammad Al-Sharman of the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies' Department of Fundamentals of Religion delivered an interactive lecture on "Dismantling Hate Speech" at the second session.

The lecturer covered multiple axes, including Islam's approach to establishing solidarity and tolerance. He demonstrated the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims within society, as well as the importance of good dealings and the establishment of rights, duties, and justice among members of the Muslim community. The lecturer emphasized the value of good communication and dialogue in fostering a positive culture and removing hatred. Stability is the foundation of society, and a peaceful greeting is the first step towards achieving it.

The need to make the best use of social media to foster positive relationships was another important point. In addition, anything that ruins relationships between members of the same society must go. The discussion focused on the harmony and variety that underpin Jordanian society, guided by the acceptance of Islamic Sharia.


Attending the conference were Mr. Talal Ghunaimat, Director of the Jordanian Masarat Foundation for Development, Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaisen, Director of the Center, Dr. Tariq Al-Nasser, Deputy Director of the Center, and other administrators, and students.




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