
Women in Academic Work: The Yarmouk University Women's Initiative







A delegation of academic, administrative, and student colleagues from Yarmouk University joined the Princess Basma Centre for Jordanian Women's Studies' Director, Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaisen, at the launch of the project "Training Academic Women on Party Work in Universities," which the Center and the Jordanian Masarat Foundation for Development are coordinating.

During the "The Role of Academic Institutions in Promoting a Culture of Political Participation" discussion session, the Center Director underscored His Majesty King Abdullah II's directives to support the political empowerment of women and youth in Jordan through various programs and activities. He also expressed interest in the emergence of a generation of students who derive profound empowerment from political empowerment, a crucial step towards achieving democratic and social development in societies.

Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Islam Massad, the President of the University, who was renowned for his extraordinary support and belief in the capabilities of women and their ability to be present in decision-making places at the university, she underlined that Yarmouk University, the big house that brings us together, provides all the support and guidance for us to play our role to the fullest. Along with concentrating on research addressing the difficulties faced by women in political and partisan life in Jordanian society, the Center regularly hosts awareness workshops and seminars on political and partisan life.






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