
"Al-Muhaysin writes: The Independence of Pride and Glory"


Madar Al-Sa'a – Written by: Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaysin.


 In an atmosphere filled with pride and dignity, and overflowing with love and appreciation for the achievements made at all levels, Jordanians celebrated yesterday the 78th anniversary of the independence of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This occasion takes us back to revisiting the heroic pages and the immortal, great roles played by the Hashemite leadership, driven by its national sense and absolute loyalty to Islam and Arabism. The independence we celebrate today was not a gift or a concession from an occupier, but rather a victory and a deserved right, achieved through the sacrifices of the leadership in various forms, whether through words, weapons, or letters. This leadership believed in the importance of liberating both the Jordanian and Arab peoples to elevate the status of the nation, revive its eternal heritage, and ensure it occupies its rightful place among the nations, in line with its glorious history, noble mission, and active contributions to building human civilization.

On Independence Day, the efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein continue. From the very first day of assuming his constitutional powers, he taught us that independence means justice, equality, tolerance, and respect for human rights, as well as moderation, freedom, and responsibility. Independence, according to His Majesty, also means the rule of law, adherence to principles, and the protection of national and higher interests, as well as the interests of the nation. His Majesty views independence as each citizen fulfilling their duties and bearing their responsibilities with honesty and integrity, and for all of us to fight corruption, whether big or small, based on our positions. In other words, independence is an ongoing state of continuous work that never stops.

During His Majesty's prosperous reign, generous and noble initiatives have continuously emerged. These include the Hashemite charity convoys, the social safety net, decent housing for dignified living, King Abdullah II’s project for housing poor families, the development of education, the "We Are All Jordan" initiative, the Amman Message, and many other contributions that have elevated the nation, raised the pillars of progress and development, strengthened democracy, promoted a free society, empowered women, and reflected His Majesty's absolute confidence in the capabilities of the youth.

On Independence Day, we recall the immense political and diplomatic efforts made by His Majesty the King in continuing Jordan's honorable historical role in serving the causes of the Arab and Islamic nations, foremost among them the Palestinian cause and the protection of Islamic and Christian holy sites without contest. International forums, His Majesty's meetings with world leaders, decision-makers, thinkers, politicians, and media figures all attest that he has been the boldest leader in presenting logical proposals based on international legitimacy, especially regarding his unwavering commitment to the two-state solution as the foundation and reference for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. This solution aims to establish an independent Palestinian state within the June 4th borders. His Majesty’s powerful influence and impactful international presence have repeatedly brought the Palestinian cause back to the forefront of global events, something that would not have been possible without his outstanding reputation wherever he goes. May God preserve him.

Let independence be a defining milestone in our national journey, just as all of our national celebrations are. It should inspire more determination for hard work, giving, and enhancing development. According to the King's vision, everyone is a partner in the workshop of building and reform.


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