
Second session to complete the interactive sessions on "Hate speech and religious dialogue''

Second session to complete the interactive sessions on "Hate speech and religious dialogue''

The Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Womens Studies, in cooperation with the Jordanian Masarat for Development and Progress, implemented the second session to complete the dialogue sessions on 'Hate Speech and Religious Dialogue' within the framework of the 'Hate Speech and Religious Dialogue' project. During this session, Dr. Ahmed Manai from the faculty of Sharia and Islamic studies participated in an interactive lecture covering several topics: Topic 1: explaining the difference between a principle that is protected in holiness in the Qur'an and the Holy Prophetic Sunnah, among those who represent this principle, the principle is protected, sacred, and constant and does not change, but whoever represents this principle may change and act contrary to what the principle requires.Topic2: Explaining the meaning of hate speech and interfaith dialogue and Islam’s attitude to all of them, in which it was shown that Islamic discourse does not carry within it hatred for anyone wherever they are, but rather it came as a mercy to people, so it cannot be corrected for its hatred for anyone. As for interfaith dialogue, it is possible in the points that then laws and trends meet, and this meeting must be extremely responsible, far from violence and insulting and forcing the other to do what the first wants. Topic 3, citing Qur’anic and Hadith texts that indicate that the call to truth and goodness cannot be in a manner of extremism, violence, or coercion, and should be in good exhortation and debate, which is the best of cases, even though debate, as the expression suggests, may make a person develop or advance in dialogue and discussion to arguments and shouting, but the Holy Qur’an regulates this debate in the best way, and this is the approach of the Holy Qur’an and Muslims must know and emulate it.



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