
The Lutheran Federation, in cooperation with the Princess Basma Centre for Jordanian Women's Studies at Yarmouk University, held a month-long advocacy and lobbying training and it's taken many follow-up days and training.

The Lutheran Federation, in cooperation with the Princess Basma Centre for Jordanian Women's Studies at Yarmouk University, held a month-long advocacy and lobbying training and it's taken many follow-up days and training.



The Lutheran Federation, in cooperation with the Princess Basma Centre for Jordanian Women's Studies at Yarmouk University, held a month-long advocacy and lobbying training and it's taken many follow-up days and training.

The training focused on strengthening the capacity of the Advocates Group in building advocacy campaigns and advocating for women's rights, as well as understanding public policies and mechanisms for enacting legislation. The training concluded with the development of a blueprint for an advocacy campaign that highlights unsafe transport issues in Irbid governorate. The next period will see the launch of this campaign through various activities aimed at improving women's rights and promoting their economic participation.

These activities are part of the rights-based approach project, from local to global, which promotes women's economic and social rights in Jordan. 

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