
Workshop in Yarmouk to Raise Awareness on the Legal Framework in Jordan Regarding Children Involved in Criminal Cases








The Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies at Yarmouk University, in collaboration with the "Terre des Hommes" Foundation, held an awareness training workshop on the legal framework for children in conflict with the law in Jordan under Jordanian Juvenile Law as part of Plan International's "She Leads" program. The trainer, Farah Ishaqat of the Terre des Hommes Foundation, presented the workshop, which covered a number of topics, including the specific jurisdiction of the juvenile court and the age of criminal responsibility for children, as well as the distinction between a child in conflict with the law and a child in need of protection and care. This is the first of many seminars that the center plans to offer to increase university students' legal understanding on a range of themes.

At the end of the program, Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaisen, the Center Director, distributed certificates of participation to the students.





















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