
A training workshop entitled “The Personality of the Female University Student: Secrets and Mysteries.”




Dr. Anan Muhammad Abu Hammour from the College of Business/Department of Public Administration at Yarmouk University presented a training workshop titled "The Personality of the University Student: Secrets and Secrets" on Sunday 3/31/2024 as part of the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies' "Let's Volunteer...Let's Train" initiative, which was launched during the holy month of Ramadan. The workshop covered a wide range of topics that would help students improve their personal characteristics in their academic and professional lives, such as introducing personality and how it develops and is programmed at different ages, identifying the most prominent factors that shape it, highlighting personal traits, and the most important disorders that affect mental health, as well as portraying the personality of female students. The training course closed with various tasks to help participants evaluate their personality qualities, as well as the most significant advice for developing their personality.





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