
Training workshop titled: (Employing Electronic Sources in Graduating and Assessing the Prophet’s hadiths)







Dr. Najah Mohammed Hussein Al-Azzam from Yarmouk University's College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Department of Fundamentals of Religion, presented a training workshop titled "Employing Electronic Sources in Graduating and Assessing the Prophet's Hadiths" on Tuesday, 2/4/2024 AD as part of the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies' "Let's Volunteer" initiative during Ramadan.

The session featured various angles that would improve the student's educational level, particularly in terms of keeping up with the ubiquitous technological reality and using it to serve and propagate the Prophet's Sunnah. The first axis dealt with the ways for graduating the Prophet's hadiths and how to use them to access the hadith from its many aspects, whilst the second axis dealt with how to assess the hadith and how to use websites to do so.


By the end of the workshop or course, the trainee is expected to be able to:


1. Graduation of the hadith from its authentic aspects.

2. Distinguish between authentic and alternative sources.

3. Standing on the rulings of some hadith critics on narrators and their narrations.





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