
Educational workshop entitled "Maternal and Fetal Health Care"



Under the sponsorship of the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies, Dr. Suhair Mohammed Adel Qudsiya, Consultant of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Infertility, and Maternal and Fetal Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at Yarmouk University, led an educational training workshop titled Maternal and Fetal Health Care during Pregnancy.

How do we care for the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman? Which medical exams are required to ensure the fetus' safety?

Aiming to highlight that the health of children is the health of their mothers, that the best way to take care of the fetus is to take care of the mother, and that care for women's health begins before pregnancy, the workshop included many axes that would raise awareness of the importance of and how to maintain women's health to obtain a safe pregnancy and a healthy child.

There, starting with the planning stage of pregnancy (before pregnancy), the first visit after pregnancy, pregnancy follow-ups, and ultrasound tests required to ensure the safety of the fetus—the most crucial of which is the thorough examination of the fetus in the middle of pregnancy, which is carried out by the embryologist—the health measures taken to care for pregnancy were reviewed and discussed.

In addition, the session covered the phases of fetal growth, the physical changes of the mother during pregnancy, how to determine the gestational age, and medical and self-care throughout pregnancy. Many educational videos and illustrations were presented. The workshop concluded with many tips that must be followed during pregnancy in various aspects such as exercise, nutrition, healthy lifestyles such as avoiding smoking and vice versa.




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