
A training session titled (Building women's psychological and social identities)




The Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies hosted a training workshop, " Building women's psychological and social identities," as part of the "Let's Volunteer... Let's Train" initiative. The workshop's presenter, Dr. Hamza Al-Rababa'a, is both a faculty member at the College of Educational Sciences/Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology and the Director General of the Model School. The workshop's objectives were to provide participants with an overview of women's psychological and social identity psychology, as well as the stages of its formation throughout life. Participants also aimed to identify the most significant psychological, cultural, and social factors and variables that impact the construction of women's psychological identity, as well as the most prominent elements that enhance it. Finally, the organizers encouraged participants to share their personal experiences and insights with each other. The workshop featured multiple interventions from those who attended, and the meeting covered real-world scenarios that could assess and empower the process of building one's psychological identity.


























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