
The Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies holds its fifth session under the "Hate Speech and Interfaith Dialogue" project






 The Princess Basma Center for Women's Studies, in collaboration with the Masarat Foundation for Development, held its fifth session under the fourth axis "Raising Awareness and Enlightened Discourse" as part of the "Hate Speech and Interfaith Dialogue" initiative.
During this session, Dr. Marcel Jouinat from the Department of Journalism and Digital Media/Faculty of Mass Communication and Dr. Muhammad Al-Habis, Head of the Department of Radio and Television, provided an interactive lecture on a variety of topics, including:

  • Hatred and discussion are defined.
  • Religious and cultural discourse. 

The undeniable foundation of shared denominators underpins digital and social media's significance and relevance in reducing hate speech and fostering a discourse culture.
Dr. Marcel Jouinat stated that digital media and means of communication are an effective and influential tool for spreading moderate religious and cultural discourse, as well as their importance in developing religious discourse content. She also emphasized the challenges raised by hate speech on the Internet, as well as its negativity.
The presentation included Jordan's electronic fire legislation and international legal documents.
Dr. Muhammad Al-Habis discussed the characteristics of hate speech, the factors determining identity, how to address this type of speech in all its forms, and the importance of focusing on the human being and his humanity without discrimination. Dr. Muhammad Al-Habis also discussed the importance and necessity of social media platforms. Some people champion freedom of speech, but we must operate within the confines of the law.

























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