
The Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies concludes its dialogue sessions within the “Hate Speech and Interfaith Dialogue” project





As part of the "Hate Speech and Interfaith Dialogue" project, the Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies, in partnership with the Jordanian Masarat Foundation for Development, concluded conversation sessions.

Dr. Mamoun Al-Shteiwi Al-Abadi spoke in front of Dr. Batoul Al-Muhaisen, Mr. Talal Ghunaimat, the Foundation's Executive Director, and the center's personnel. A group of students from the Department of Modern Languages/French Language and other disciplines participated in the sixth closing session on "Effective Dialogue, Exchange of Experiences, and Challenging Biases" to enhance their communication skills and forge strong relationships. The presentation included a brief overview of the significance of effective dialogue in fostering open communication.

An icebreaker exercise kicked off the session, dividing participants into pairs to discuss their personal experiences and introduce each other to the group. This activity served to foster an environment of closeness and collaboration among the participants.

The workshop focused on two main axes: the first dealt with the concept of effective dialogue and its most important elements, involving a group discussion on the challenges individuals face in their daily lives. The second axe, on biases that may affect our daily interactions, involved participants writing examples of biases they faced or witnessed, followed by a group discussion. The workshop ended with a closing exercise in which participants worked in small groups to analyze hypothetical circumstances that required discussion and challenged preconceptions before presenting their results.

The session concluded with an open discussion about the lessons learned and their practical application in everyday life. The session reflected the participants' commitment to promoting effective dialogue and challenging prejudices, making it a useful and fruitful experience for all.

The implementation of such conversation sessions is an affirmation of developing cooperation frameworks with local community institutions, which aligns with the center's vision and objective to improve the interaction of the university community, particularly students.

Masarat Paths: Development & Development.


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