
Extract from the second day activities for the training workshop on "Guide to Family Protection against Violence"

Extract from the second day activities for the training workshop on "Guide to Family Protection against Violence"

Extract from the second day activities for the training workshop on "Guide to Family Protection against violence" which has been implemented by the National Council for Family Affairs in partnership with Princess Basma Center for Women's Studies, for a group of students from the faculties of sharia and Islamic, Educational science and Media.

The second day has included several lectures on: identifying the Guide for dealing with cases of violence and the purpose of its existence, the attitude to violence, and the role of family reform offices to reduce it. Dr.Ismail Nouh Al_Qudah from the supreme judge department talked though it.

The Secretary General for Technical Affairs at the National Council for Family Affairs, MR. Mohammed Al-Zoubi spoke about the importance of the guide to protect the family from violence, which is an awareness guide that contains a set of awareness messages about violence and ways to prevent it and protect the family.

This workshop was attended by Dr.Tariq Al-Nasser, Deputy Director of the Center, a group of the National Council for Family Affairs team, and the Centers staff.

At the end of the training workshop, certificates were given to the workshop participants.


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