
n cooperation with Jordanian Masarat Foundation for  Development and Progress, the first session to complete the  dialogue sessions on 'Hate speech and Interfaith dialogue'

n cooperation with Jordanian Masarat Foundation for Development and Progress, the first session to complete the dialogue sessions on 'Hate speech and Interfaith dialogue'

The princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies, in cooperation with the Jordanian Masarat Foundation for Development and Progress, implemented the first session to complete the dialogue sessions on 'Hate speech and Interfaith dialogue' within the project of 'Hate speech and Interfaith dialogue' and during this session Dr. Saeed Bawanah the assistant dean of the faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies has participated in an interactive lecture entitled: "elements of religious discourse and dialogue in Islam" he has handled several topics in it: The religious discourse and dialogue in Islam is based on harmony and love, not exclusion and hatred. This discourse embodies the meaning of coexistence and understanding with others. It relies on several components: the goodness of the message, insight that combines awareness and wisdom, kindness and moderation in communication, wise counsel and good advice, and debate conducted in the best manner. It emphasizes offering well to others, maintaining decorum, and avoiding insults and derogatory remarks. Religious discourse and dialogue in Islam serve as a gateway to understanding the truth.


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